How Small Businesses Can Get Started with Lead Generation

Live, Laugh, Lead Gen

It’s the marketing thing you’re not thinking about enough


Real talk. Lead gen is super important for every business, big or small. But (more real talk), it’s one of those things most small business owners i.g.n.o.r.e. Probably because it sounds intimidating. Very likely because it feels like yet another thing to do. And definitely because you’ve convinced yourself you don’t need it—looking at you, everyone who says, “I don’t need to worry about marketing because all my clients come from referrals.”

By now it’s pretty clear lead gen is something you need to seriously think about, right?

So in this episode of the Pretty Okay Podcast, Davey Jones of Davey and Krista and BDOW! joined me to politely knock some sense into you!

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of identifying and cultivating potential customers, or leads, for your product or service. In plain English, it's about getting people interested in what you have to offer! But because it sounds way to corporate, many small business owners may not realize they're already familiar with the concept, even if they're unfamiliar with the jargon. Because, at its core, lead generation is the act of encouraging people to express interest in your product or service through things like forms, website pop-ups, or offering something of value in exchange for contact information (hello, lead magnets!).

What to do when your leads slow down

If you own a small business, you know things ebb and flow. You have seasons where you’re drinking out of a firehose and others where you’re sh*tting your pants wondering if you have to shut things down. Those cycles are normal but there is a difference between a slump that’s driven by the market and one that’s driven by ::cough cough:: a lack of marketing.

So when But when should you start to worry if your leads slow down? According to Davey, there are two common scenarios that can lead to a slowdown in leads. Some businesses may initially rely too much on word-of-mouth referrals—basically getting spoiled by other people doing your marketing for you. But that is exactly the problem because when these referrals dry up, you are probably going to find yourself to drum up new business quickly—because you don’t have an established lead generation system. On the other hand, some small business owners (erroneously) take a "build it and they will come" approach and expect customers to flock to them without proactive marketing efforts. Both of these should really drive home the importance of having a robust lead generation strategy in place from the outset. #safetynet

Lead generation and email marketing

In case you didn’t know, email marketing and lead generation are like peas and carrots. This is mostly because email marketing offers a direct line of communication with potential customers, allowing you to nurture customers from leads to customers. Unlike social media or other platforms, where algorithms can limit reach, email marketing provides a reliable way to engage with your audience and drive conversions. Plus, with the right tools (hello, BDOW and Flodesk!) and strategies, businesses can personalize their email campaigns, segment their audience, and track performance metrics to optimize results.

Okay, okay. Here are three key takeaways from the podcast interview with Davey:

  1. Understanding Lead Generation: Lead generation is about identifying individuals who have shown interest in your product or service. Whether it's through forms, pop-ups, or other means, the goal is to encourage people to express interest in what you offer.

  2. Knowing When to Worry: Small business owners should be concerned when their leads slow down, especially if they've relied solely on word-of-mouth referrals or passive marketing efforts. Establishing a proactive lead generation system early on can help mitigate the impact of fluctuations in lead flow.

  3. The Power of Email Marketing: Email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for lead generation. By offering value upfront and nurturing relationships through targeted campaigns, businesses can build a loyal customer base and drive conversions over time.

Did we convince you that lead generation is something you need to really think about as a small business? We hope so!

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Tayler Cusick Hollman